
2019年2月20日 星期三






2019年2月14日 星期四


This is the most nervous game I had ever seen recently. Lakers was behind Celtic at about 17points at the first of the second quarter, but Lebron soon led his teammates tie the game, and the game was getting on the same start again. They are entangled all the way, and Celtic still lead 6 points at the last  one minutes. Then lakers score three three points and only had one point behind. The last shot was blocked, but Rondo get the ball and exceed Celtic.
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2019年2月5日 星期二



Mebook is just like a special kind of way to introduce yourself. You need to put your family, your friend, your hobby, your place, and your job in it. We can know a person very well from that thing.

Nike Shoe Design

Nike Shoe Design
1. Select the link below and choose the shoe style that you want to design. 
2. Open the "Nike Shoe Design" document below and follow the directions. 

We need to design a kind of Nike’s shoes. Alouth, it calls “ design”, I think it’s just like change color. We just need to choose a shoes kind and put other colors on it. 

Career Day Questions

Career Day Questions

We are going to meet lots of professionals tomorrow, and we are also going to talk to them by zoom. So teacher Patricia wants us to think some questions to ask them. Maybe it would be really helpful fo our future. 

Good questions cannot be answered with just “yes” or “no.”
You need to write at least ONE GOOD question for each professional.
Read their bio’s.
Think of something interesting to ask them.
Type your questions in the boxes below.

Mr. Seth Fleischauer

why would you like to be a doctor when you are young?
Mr. Daniel Pederson

if you can be a NBA basketball player, which team would you want to join?
Ms. Emma Kelly Hood Dayhuff

which song are you best on playing?
Mr. Cody Fleischauer

in your opinion, which job besides your current job can earn lots of money?
Mr. Beau Armstrong

would you want to write a book? What would it like?
Ms. Inez Kaminski

if you can be a child again, would you want to be a journalist or the job you are doing now?

Dream job

Dream job

I think we think lots of future things in this semester. This time we need to think what kind if job is our dream job. I think it’s hard for me because I seldom think of that kind of things before.

My husband, Michael Reiter, is one of the professionals you will meet him soon. He is a computer scientist who is known all over the world for his research.
I asked him today what he wanted to be when he grew up. He said: Aquaman, but that job was already taken.
Aquaman is a dream job. A dream job is not always a realistic job. That means it is not usually something that is possible. It is something that happens in dreams.
Answer the questions below. Use complete sentences.
What is your dream job?
basketball player
Is your dream job possible for you? Why or why not?
no, because I’m not as good as some of my friends
What is your second choice job?
Is your second choice job realistic for you? Why or why not?
maybe yes, because I study hard for every test and I would like to help my family by treating them

My New American City

My New American City

We have to find a city in America to live. I hope it’s possible but it’s too hard for me because my English speaking skills are not good and it’s too expensive!

Bigger cities are more expensive to live in than small towns.

  1. The table below summarizes information for 10 different American cities to live in. Look at the information, consider your salary, and number them 1 - 10 with 1 being your top choice to live in, and 10 being your last choice.
  2. For your top choice city, (number 1), answer the questions below the table.

Average Annual Income needed to live here
Average cost for renting a 2 bedroom apartment
Choose your top 3 choices and label them 1, 2 and 3
Washington, D.C.

Phoenix, Arizona

Atlanta, Georgia

Boston, Massachusetts
Miami, Florida

San Francisco, California

Los Angeles, California
New York, New York

Seattle, Washington

Houston, Texas

3. What city is your first choice? Why?
Los Angeles, because I can see LeBron’s basketball game at there.

4. List three interesting facts about that city.
It is the biggest city in the USA.
There have two different NBA teams in the city.
Los Angeles Lakers is a famous NBA team.

5. Insert a fun picture of the city,  below.


Did you like this lesson? Why or why not? Do you like the new Joyce book so far?

This is a really good question! I really really really hate it! It is a boring book and we need to listen to the boring story, and the least of this book is, we need to take a test! I don’t know how to answer every questions of that test! It’s the worst lesson!



We need to take into groups and make a robot. First we need to list what our group members are good at. Second, we should put our advantage together and think of a best way to let the robots do. Finally, we need to have a picture of that. 

Small Group Discussion: Robots

Small Group Discussion: Robots

We are trying to think some ways to avoid the robots control the world again. This time, we can ask the expert: teacher Patricia’s husband, he gives us some really good advices. We learn a lot from talking to him. 

Are robots a threat to humanity?

I asked my husband if he thinks robots could possibly take over the world. He is a pretty famous computer scientist. He said it could be possible!

Choose a partner or two. With your partners, talk about the following questions. Type notes in the box. I will be conferencing with each small group to see what you’re all thinking.

Do you think it’s possible for robots to take control of humans?
What do you think we can do to make sure this does not happen?
we can improve our abilities to make sure that the robots can’t instead us.
Would you trust a robot to do surgery on you?
no, I would rather trust human.
Would you trust a robot to drive you places?
Maybe yes but I would pray that the robot won’t break down when it drives me.

Do Now

Do Now: What is one thing that you are good at?

Teacher made us think what we are good at. If I need choose from my life, I think basketball may be the best answer because I love basketball more than other things. And I saw many of my classmates wrote sleep, eat, or nothing. I think they are too modest. 

My Future Me Reflection

My Future Me Reflection:
Do you think it is better to get the most expensive apartment you can or to get an apartment that is less expensive so that you have more money to save? Why?

This is an assignment for us to think what kind of life would we like to have. We need to choose what kind of house would we like to live. Is the expensive one or the cheap one. And I want to get cheaper department because saving money is really important.

College Application for my 8th Grade Geniuses

College Application for my 8th Grade Geniuses

This is an issue for us to show our best part to the interviewers and try to convince them to apply you. There are some questions like “Describe a time in your life that you showed leadership skills.” and “If you could have a superpower, what superpower would you choose? Why?” 

Job interview

Job interview doc

The teacher wants us to prepare to be an adults and look for a job. We need to write a resume of ourselves. We need to write more as possible.

Answer three of the questions.  

Tell me about yourself.
My name is Steele. I was graduated from Harvard university. I would like to help a lot of people because I would like to be a famous doctor.
What are your strengths and weaknesses?
I can be very concentrate but also be very lazy.
If you were a car, what car would Why?
I would be toyto because it is cheap but useful.

2019年2月4日 星期一



This is a worksheet about robot. It is asking about what can the robots do, how can the robots do, and should we need to watch out the behaviors of the robots. When we notice the robot well, we can have a good days with them.

2019年2月3日 星期日

My Opinion Notes

My Opinion Notes

I need to choose a superhero to be. And below is my answers. 
Which gadget is the best?
Wonder Woman’s Accessories
What would you do with this gadget?
I can go to a pace really fast with the jet and protect myself with the ring.
Why is it better than the other gadgets?
because you can’t attack other people by using those other tools. It may let others died.
Why should you have it instead of the superhero having it?
because I can use it better(maybe).
When you have the gadget, you can become a superhero, too! What will your superhero name be?


When you hear "England," what does that make you think of?

We are going to have a topic about England. So our teacher first let us think something about England. I think of afternoon tea when I see of “England”. I find out that most of our classmates think of Big Ben, queen and French fries. 

Do Now

Do Now: Which classmates' speeches do you most want to hear? Chose three classmates.

This do now is very special. The reason that is special is because we can choose somebody to hear their speech. The speech is about when you are in a college, what you are going to say to your classmates. 

Optical illusions play tricks on our eyes! What do you see in each of the following pictures?

Optical illusions play tricks on our eyes!
What do you see in each of the following pictures?

Answer: duck
I see...

I see…

I see…

I see…

Find a fun optical illusion online. Copy and paste it here:

Current Events

Current Events Iron Man Assignment

This assignment is about some people in London is trying to do the suit like iron man, and they are testing whether it can fly or not, and how far it can fly. To my surprise, it can fly for a very long distance. Maybe I can wear it someday. 

Hypothesis Worksheet

Hypothesis Worksheet
You are comparing yourself to American 8th graders. Consider what you think you know about your life and what you think you know about American 8th graders.

Then, the worksheet ask us several questions, and my answers are below:
Do you think you get more or less sleep than American 8th graders?

Answer: I get more sleep.

Explain why: I always go to sleep early.

Do you think you spend more or less time playing video games than American 8th graders?

Answer: I spend more time.

Explain why: I like to play video games very much and it makes my dad angry.

Do you think you spend more or less time doing homework than American 8th graders?

Answer: I spend less time doing homework.

Explain why: I play video games for most of the time.